
News Archives

  • Research

    From Research to Implementation: Workshop on financing strategies for innovative solutions in the water sector (in German)

    Am 05. und 06. November 2012 fand an der KfW Entwicklungsbank ein Training zum Thema "Von der Forschung zur Umsetzung: Finanzierungsperspektiven für innovative Lösungen im Wassersektor" statt.
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  • Research

    Interactions of Water with Energy and Materials in Urban Areas and Agriculture

    IWRM conference in Karlsruhe 2012.

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  • Research

    Capacity Development and Innovative Learning on IWRM and Agriculture

    During World Water Week 2012 in Stockholm (26-31 August) a session addressed Capacity Development in Integrated Water Resources Management and Agriculture. Here you can find the session programme and presentations held during the session. 
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  • Research

    Addressing the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus: Challenges and Solutions in (International) River Basins

    During World Water Week 2012 in Stockholm (26-31 August) a session entitled "Addressing the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus: Challenges and Solutions in (International) River Basins" was held. Here you can find the session programme and the presentations of the session.
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  • Research

    DAAD Serial Summer School Integrated Water Resources Management

    The IWRM Summer School will be held during 10 - 23 September 2012 in Dessau and Berlin, Germany.

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  • Research

    IWRM status seminar of the funding priority

    On 14 October 2011 the second status seminar of the IWRM funding priority of BMBF was held. The overall objective of the status seminar in 2011 was to present recent research results and future perspectives of running projects on IWRM withing the funding priority of BMBF. You can find here all the presentations given during the seminar.
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  • Research

    Implementierung von innovativen Konzepten im IWRM Indonesien-Projekt

    Innerhalb des deutsch-indonesischen IWRM-Verbundprojektes werden neuartige Technologien und Managementstrategien entwickelt.
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  • Research

    IWRM-SUMAR (Sustainable Management of Water in Arid and Semi-arid Regions)

    Wissenschaftler des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Umweltforschung– UFZ, Department Cathyd, organiserten eine Flugkampagne gemeinsam mit Kollegen der Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR), um zu verstehen, wie viel und an welchen Stellen Süßwasser aus submarinen Quellen ins Tote Meer fließt.
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  • Research

    International Conference on Integrated Water Resources Management

    Management of Water in a Changing World: Lessons Learnt and Innovative Perspectives
    Maritim Hotel International Congress Center
    12-13 October 2011
    Dresden, Germany
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  • Research

    IWRM Seminar at the World Water Week in Stockholm

    At the World Water Week in Stockholm (26-31 August 2011), a seminar on Integrated Water Resources Management took place. A lot of interested conference attendees participated at the seminar.
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  • Research

    IWRM Summer School 2011

    Auch die zweite IWRM Summer School war ein Erfolg. Vom 8. bis 12. August trafen sich erneut Doktoranden aus verschiedenen Projekten des Förderschwerpunktes. Sie tauschten sich thematisch und methodisch über ihre Arbeiten aus und diskutierten über IWRM Ansätze in unterschiedlichen Modellregionen.
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  • Research

    IWRM auf der Messe Wasser Berlin International

    Wissenschaft trifft Wirtschaft „Herausforderungen für nachhaltiges Wirtschaften - Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM) als Anpassungsstrategie“
    Dienstag, 03.05.2011, 13:30 – 15:40 Uhr.
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  • Research

    Integriertes Wasserressourcen-Management (IWRM) Projekt im Iran gestartet

    Wissenschaftler entwickeln Strategien für die Wasser-bewirtschaftung des Zayandeh Rud-Flusses im Zentraliran.
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  • Research

    Cumulated water competence: twin UNESCO and IWRM China event

    The 5th UNESCO Training Course for Sustainable Water Management, hosted by the UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Water Management (Prof. W.F .Geiger) was organized as a twin event together with the Final Symposium of the IWRM China project Overall-Effective Measures for Sustainable Water Resources Management in the Coastal Area of Shandong Province, PR China end of April in Yantai.
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  • Research

    Small scale groundwater desalination plants officially opened in Namibia

    On October 15th and 16th 2010, the first small scale groundwater desalination plants in Namibia were officially inaugurated by the Deputy Minister of the Namibian Ministry for Agriculture, Water and Forestry Honorable Petrus Ilonga in the villages Amarika and Akutsima (Omusati Region).
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  • Research

    IWRM Workshop "Sanitärkonzepte und Finanzierungsstrategien im IWRM"

    Am 11. und 12. April 2011 findet ein Workshop zum Thema "Sanitärkonzepte und Finanzierungsstrategien" am Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung - UFZ statt. Angesprochen sind Wissenschaftler und Experten aus laufenden Forschungsvorhaben zum IWRM.
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  • Research

    IWRM Forum auf der IFAT ENTSORGA 2010

    (in German only)

    Das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) führt auf der IFAT ENTSORGA ein Forum zum IWRM durch: „Forschung zum Integrierten Wasserressourcen-Management  – Treiber für technologische Innovation“. Die Veranstaltung findet am 14. September 2010 im Forum Halle A4 von 10:00 bis 12:30 Uhr, Neue Messe München statt. Die IFAT ENTSORGA ist die weltweit wichtigste Fachmesse für Innovationen, Neuheiten und Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Wasser-, Abwasser-, Abfall- und Rohstoffwirtschaft.
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  • Research

    IWRM Seminar at World Water Week in Stockholm

    The World Water Week in Stockholm is the annual meeting place for the planet’s most urgent water-related issues. Organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), it brings together experts, practitioners, decision makers and leaders from around the globe to exchange ideas, foster new thinking and develop solutions. Join us!
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  • Research

    Workshop "Implementation of IWRM"

    The workshop "Implementation of IWRM concepts" will be held on 07-08 October 2010 at the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ in Leipzig. Researchers and experts from research institutions and international organizations are invited to participate. The detailed programme of the workshop can be found here (in German only).
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  • Research

    Water for the Future of Brasília

    Third workshop of the German-Brazilian Research Consortium IWAS-Água DF held from May 17 - 20, 2010 in the Federal Capital Brasília
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  • Research

    IWRM China: Task force meeting and monitoring

    A task force meeting for the IWRM China project was held in Berlin under participation of German and Chinese project partners. The meeting was followed by a five weeks working stay for the Chinese project coordinator.  On June 14 and 15, the planned decision support system (DSS) was vividly discussed and next to other results, the current status of the monitoring program was presented.
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  • Research

    IWRM Summer School 2010

    Vom 21. bis zum 26. Juni 2010 fand in Dessau die erste IWRM Summer School statt. Dabei kamen etwa 20 Doktoranden aus verschiedenen IWRM Projekten zusammen, um sich in einem interdisziplinären Umfeld zum Thema IWRM auszutauschen und weiterzubilden.
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  • Research

    Workshop announcement: IWRM concepts and methods of integration

    The workshop "IWRM concepts and methods of integration" was held on 17 - 18 June 2010 at the Deutsche Hygiene Museum, Dresden. Researchers and experts from research institutions and international organizations were invited to participate. The detailed programme of the workshop can be found here (in German only). To download presentations see German version.
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  • Research

    IWRM Workshop Governance und Participation

    A workshop on "Stakeholder Participation and Good Water Governance" was held on 4 - 5 February 2010, at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Leipzig. Experts from running IWRM projects and other institutions discussed scientific approaches and instruments to support the implementation of IWRM strategies. The programme and presentations can be found here (in German only).
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  • Research

    Sustainable water and agricultural land use in the GUANTING watershed under limited water resources

    The Kick Off Meeting of the joint project took place in the context of an excursion to the project area including the provinces Beijing, Hebei and Shanxi from 1st until the 8th of November 2009. Important contacts with relevant authorities and institutions were established and the data situation was discussed. In January 2010 we hosted three Chinese guest scientists for joined modeling activities in Germany.
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  • Research

    CuveWaters´ Expert Workshop on Underground Water Storage

    Especially Namibia, the dryest country in Sub-Saharan Africa, is threatened by water shortage and the consequences of climate change. In many areas of the country, people have to face scarce water resources and an unpredictable water supply. To guarantee a long term sustainability of water supply integrated concepts are needed. CuveWaters is developing innovative and adapted solutions to sustainably supply people in the northern Cuvelai-Etosha Basin with water. In this context a discussion workshop on the technology line Underground Water Storage (UWS) will take place in Windhoek on the 30th of March 2010.
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  • Research

    IWRM Meeting and Workshop in China

    A meeting and workshop for the IWRM China project was held in Jinan, followed by working stays for some of the German project partners. On October 20 and 21, reports were given on the project status. Apart from other current work results, a measures catalog was introduced and discussed which will form the basis of a planned decision support system.
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  • Research

    Workshop Capacity Development 1-2 October 2009

    A workshop on Capacity Development was held on 1 - 2 October 2009, at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ). Experts from running IWRM projects and other institutions discussed modern approaches and instruments to support knowledge transfer and implementation of IWRM strategies. Programme and presentations (in German only).
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  • Research

    IWRM workshop on data handling and DSS 18-19 May 2009

    A workshop on data handling, data assimilation and decission support systems for the implementation of IWRM concepts was held on 18 - 19 May 2009 at the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ) in Magdeburg. Programme and presentations (in German only).
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  • Research

    BMBF status conference on IWRM at the Leipzig KUBUS on 10 and 11 November 2008

    An IWRM status conference was held on 10 and 11 November to support the exchange of information between those involved in BMBF-funded projects and other IWRM-related activities and projects. The aim was to identify cross-cutting areas and synergy potential and to promote targeted networking activities. The venue was the Leipzig KUBUS, the conference and education centre of the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ).
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  • Research

    IWRM Südafrika: Versorger für sehr gute Wasserqualität ausgezeichnet

    Im Rahmen des BMBF Verbundvorhabens "Integriertes Wasserressourcenmanagement (IWRM)-Pilotprojekt "Mittlerer Olifants" Südafrika mit Technologietransfer durch ein Franchise-Konzept" wurden, aufbauend auf einer Analyse des Wasserhaushaltes, konkrete Lösungsansätze zur Verbesserung der Mangelsituation ausgearbeitet. "Es herrscht kein Mangel an Wasser, es herrscht ein Mangel an Wassermanagement", so Prof. Dr. Dr. Karl-Ulrich Rudolph vom IEEM - Institut für Umwelttechnik und Management an der Universität Witten/Herdecke gGmbH.
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  • Research

    First Status Conference of the IWRM project MoMo in Ulaanbaatar

    The first MoMo Status Conference of the project “Integrated Water Resources Management for Central Asia: Model Region Mongolia (MoMo)” was held at National University of Mongolia and Chinggis Khan Hotel, Ulaanbaatar from May 20 through 22 2008.
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  • Research

    GPS training course for Ph.D. students of the WISDOM project by the German Aerospace Center (DLR)

    Capacity building for young scientist as well as for decision makers of the partner country plays a central role for the research projects of the IWRM funding priority of BMBF. A case in point is a training course on the use of GPS data for the planned geographical information system which was held the German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD) of DLR and hosted by the Institute for Environment and Human Security of the United Nations University in Bonn (UNU-EHS) in March 2008. The skills acquired in the two-day seminar are currently used in the field in Vietnam.
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