
Support for BMBF’s funding priority on “IWRM”: Assistance for Implementation - AIM

AIM´s main target is to enhance the chances of implementation and dissemination of technical and conceptual innovations developed by the R&D projects. This includes providing advice to the projects establishing contacts to and communicating with ministries, planning authorities and other relevant government bodies in the partner countries as well as regarding synergies and dialogues with bi- and multilateral development banks.

The mutual development of application-oriented, economically and ecologically beneficial solutions by science, business and especially governmental authorities of the partner country plays a crucial role for the implementation and dissemination of solutions from R&D projects. Thus, AIM supports the projects in establishing contacts to and cooperating with ministries, planning authorities and other relevant government bodies in the affected countries. However, in many cases, e.g., the IWRM concepts developed will necessitate significant infrastructure investments, for example in the areas of water collection and wastewater disposal. This step is not part of the projects themselves, with the possible exception of individual pilot plants. The problem is that the public and private sectors in the affected countries are hardly ever able to raise the necessary investment funds on their own.

For this reason, AIM also provides advice aimed at ensuring that the project results can be taken into account in the preparation of relevant infrastructure projects of bilateral or multilateral development banks, such as KfW Entwicklungsbank or the Asian Development Bank. The possibility of an implementation through private sector exposure supported by the Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH (DEG) or of taking advantage of synergies with multilateral funding programmes, for example those of the EU or the UN, is also being investigated.

Quelle: PT-DLR/Thinkstock

Supplying clean drinking water. Photo: PT-DLR/Thinkstock


  • Project Management Agency of DLR (PT-DLR), European and International Cooperation

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