CuveWaters´ Expert Workshop on Underground Water Storage

Especially Namibia, the dryest country in Sub-Saharan Africa, is threatened by water shortage and the consequences of climate change. In many areas of the country, people have to face scarce water resources and an unpredictable water supply. To guarantee a long term sustainability of water supply integrated concepts are needed. CuveWaters is developing innovative and adapted solutions to sustainably supply people in the northern Cuvelai-Etosha Basin with water. In this context a discussion workshop on the technology line Underground Water Storage (UWS) will take place in Windhoek on the 30th of March 2010.

Underground Water Storage can be an alternative to the existing Earth Dams by minimizing evaporation rates and by providing water of better quality. The stored water can be used for multiple purposes, such as the irrigation of gardens or watering livestock. At the expert workshop different technology options for the implementation of Underground Water Storage will be discussed, especially concerning their local adaptability and acceptance. Additionally potential pilot sites will be presented. Invited are representatives of the water sector of Namibia, from the German development cooperation and different research units both from Namibia and Germany. The outcome of the workshop will be the baseline for further investigations and research on Underground Water Storage in northern Namibia within the Project CuveWaters.



Dipl.-Ing. Marian Brenda
Technische Universität Darmstadt


  • Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE)

    • PD Dr. Thomas Kluge (Project Management) Alexia Krug v. Nidda (Project Coordination)
    • Hamburger Allee 45
    • 60486 Frankfurt
    • Telephone: +49 69 707 69 19-0
    • Email Address: